Monday 6 February 2012

Not much Art work done recently

So much for my great ideas of getting some art work done every day been busy with the kids off ill and then me being ill as well and the next few days will be busy tidying the house and getting stuff ready for my daughter Sarah's 11th birthday on Thursday and she has a day off school as well. Will post as soon as I get some thing done need to finish the painting for my sister

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Gillian's painting update

Working on the sky and clouds just now this update is from the painting session yesterday hope to do more later on, Sarah is wanting me to show her how to use watercolour. I have gone a bit dark with the clouds still a lot of work to be done with the sky before I am happy with it and then work on the rest of the painting

Rainbow abstract

I did this at the weekend trying out gouache on canvas board that has been primed with colourfix clear primer, just a doodle to see if it works on this surface.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Busy! Busy!

Don't know where the time has gone the past few days been taking more photos than painting an expert in atmospheric optics said that my photos could possibly been of nacreous clouds(rare in Britain) they have been seen in Sweden and Norway on the same day. I have a couple of sketches to put on the blog, at long last got my art supplies in the post more gouache paint as I have only got the primary colours. I havent sat down and painted yet, with the kids off at the weekend I get very busy, will be busy tomorrow Paul preaching at two services so the plan is to make some time on Monday to paint supposed to be painting every day will have to make more effort next week!!!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Work in progress Gillians painting 2

Here is the next layer of gouache, going to start on the oil pastel next when this is dry, a hairdryer comes in handy to speed up the drying, Rosie needs a walk so going to do more later.

Work in progress Gillians painting

Here is the first layer of gouache applied after a quick pencil sketch, phoned the art supplier still waiting for my order it will be a few days before it arrives so I am going to do a couple of layers of gouache and then put oil pastel on top for detail and rays of light coming from the clouds.

Monday 9 January 2012

Sketch for a painting for my sister

This is a rough pencil sketch for a painting I am going to try and paint in either gouache or gouache and oil pastel will see how it goes, I have already tried this before in acrylics but it didnt turn out too good so trying again. Waiting for some paints to come in the post (Christmas present from my family) hurry up postie!!!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Gallery- paintings already done

My first watercolour painting of Newburgh Beach

Gallery- paintings already done

Pointillism acrylic painting of Double rainbow over Isle of Skye in private collection of Mr and Mrs John Reid

Gallery- paintings already done

Watercolour painting of Fraserburgh Lighthouse in the private collection of Mr John and Mrs Moira Reid

Gallery- paintings already done

Oil pastel painting of Puffin in private collection of Mrs J. Clayton

Photo of Mormond Hill

This photo was taken today of Mormond Hill, taken from my garden its very windy again today not weather for painting outside role on Spring!!!

Sketchbook cover

This is a sketchbook my daughter Sarah kindly gave to me she had drawn on the cover and I decided to paint over it with acrylic paint it is of Sunset clouds. Thank you Sarah for my lovely sketchbook I have no excuse now not to do any sketching

Thursday 5 January 2012

Photo of clouds and ray of light

A photo I took today of beautiful rays of light and clouds from my garden

1st drawing

Here is a quick sketch of part of my dogs face Rosie done with an HB pencil on cartridge paper

A new start The 2012 Painting Challenge

Hi,well my name is Lesley and I have challenged myself to try everyday to do some art either drawing, painting, sketching, work on a big painting etc. I enjoy doing art and I want to improve. I hope with doing this blog it will give me the push to complete this challenge and not to give up. I think too much about painting and read too much about it I need to get on and practice. I will include some photos that inspire me, some news what is happening in my life, and photos of what I have been up to each day, I hope you will enjoy the journey, as I will and by the end of the year I can look back and hope to see some improvement